Call for Papers

API Conference
The Conference for Web APIs, API Design & Management

Dear API Con speakers, friends, and everyone interested!

Our planning for the second half of this year has already begun.

The hybrid API Con will take place from 21st October to 23rd October 2024 in Berlin.

You can submit your proposals from now until 15th April 2024.

We are looking forward to your proposals for great sessions, workshops, and keynotes!

Further below you will find additional information about API Con – Berlin 2024


  • API Development
  • API Design
  • API Management
  • API Platforms & Business
  • API Security

API Con – Berlin 2024  – overview

We look forward to receiving your ideas! If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact:

Nadia Shah –

We hope you enjoy the first days of spring.


The API Con Team