+ 1 year Fullstack Access to devmio
+ FREE session video recordings for 6 months
+ 1 year Fullstack Access to devmio
+ FREE session video recordings for 6 months
*incl. 10 % group discount when buying 3 or more tickets, plus VAT
Workshop Day
Sessions & Keynotes
Sessions & Keynotes
Workshop Day
3-Day Pass + FREE WORKSHOP DAY from $1439* (instead of $2399)
+ 1 year Fullstack Access to devmio
+ FREE session video recordings for 6 months
2-Day Pass from $989* (instead of $1499)
1-Day Pass from $539* (instead of $799)
*incl. 10 % group discount when buying 3 or more tickets, plus VAT
APIcon will take place alongside three other top-tier conferences: MLCon, focusing on machine learning, DevOpsCon, covering DevOps and cloud technologies, and International JavaScript Conference for Fullstack enthusiasts. Book your APIcon ticket now and enjoy access to one or more additional conferences. This offer also includes six months of access to all session video recordings from your bookings and one year of devmio Fullstack Access for free!
Book additional conferences in our ticket shop after selecting your preferred days.
Get an exclusive discount on the API Conference with the Fullstack subscription and gain access to thousands of developer articles, expert contributions, live streams, and tutorials.