Microservices have been a topic for years now. Traditional micro services architectures often choose the UI as it’s platform for integrating the services, which often results in small, decoupled backend services, but a tightly coupled, hard to maintain, monolithic frontend application.Micro frontends are the obvious solution to that problem: we take the learnings from the backend to the frontend. We will discuss different micro-frontend approaches, their up- and their downsides.
As we move beyond a world of using just a handful of internal and external APIs, to a reality where we operate thousands of microservices, and depend on hundreds of 3rd party APIs, modern API infrastructure begins to look as complex as a municipal transit system. Realizing that API operations is anything but a linear life cycle, let’s begin to consider that all APIs are in transit, evolving from design to deprecation, while still also existing to move our value bits and bytes from one place to another. I would like to share with you a look at how API operations can be mapped using an API Transit map, and explored, managed, and understood through the lens of a modern, Internet enabled "transit system".
Come explore 100 stops along the modern API life cycle, from definition to deprecation. Taking the learnings from eight years of API industry research, extracted from the leading API management pioneers, I would like to guide you through each stop that a modern API should pass across, mapped out using a familiar transit map format, providing an API experience I have dubbed API Transit. This new approach to mapping out, and understanding the API life cycle as seen through the lens of a modern municipal transit system allows us to explore and learn healthy patterns for API design, deployment, management, and other stops along an APIs journey. Which then becomes a framework for executing and certifying that each API is following the common patterns which each developer has already learned, leading us to a measurable and quantifiable API governance strategy that can be reported upon consistently. This workshop will go into detail on almost 100 stops, and provide a forkable blueprint that can be taken home and applied within any API operations, no matter how large, or small.
Optimieren Sie Ihr API-Management für maximale Effizienz.
Strategien zum Erstellen, Skalieren und Debuggen erfolgreicher APIs.
Entwerfen Sie intuitive, skalierbare APIs mit Schwerpunkt auf Governance und KI-Integration.
Fördern Sie Geschäftswachstum und Innovation, indem Sie die Leistungsfähigkeit der API-Integration nutzen.
Master-Authentifizierung, erweiterte Bedrohungserkennung für fehlerfreie APIs.