

How AI Transforms APIOps: Boosting Efficiency & Automation

In the fast-evolving realm of software development, APIs have become the linchpin for seamless integration and innovation. However, effectively managing the lifecycle of APIs poses significant challenges. This is where APIOps comes into play, a methodology that seamlessly blends DevOps principles with API management to streamline operations and enhance efficiency. As we delve deeper into the world of APIOps, the integration of autonomous AI agents emerges as a game-changer, offering unprecedented levels of automation and intelligence across various facets of API management.

The Dangers of API Design

APIs are an interesting topic, especially from a security perspective. Consider what an API is designed to enable. An application can communicate and exchange data with another application, including over the public Internet. By its very nature, an API must be publicly accessible. This makes APIs especially vulnerable to attack.

API Design with Patterns: Patterned Design

Designing APIs is a critical activity in many software projects. Its success depends upon requirements and the experience of the API designers. Pattern collections document collective experiences, making it possible to arrive at suitable designs quickly and with less risk. Join us on a short journey through microservices API patterns that look at protocol-independent problems in API design and propose proven solutions in a compact manner.

API Contract Definitions – Different Ways of Specifying API Contracts: Contract first, implementation first, OpenAPI, GraphQL, gRPC

When running one or multiple services, it is essential that they have reliable service contracts defining their exposed APIs. Those contracts mostly consist of declarative interface definitions, which strongly define and type the API exposed by the respective service. As such, it is crucial that the code making up the service exactly implements the interface and therefore fulfills its side of the contract. Regressions need to be detected and changes reflected in a well-communicated update to the contract. Here, we want to look at different ways of specifying contracts for what is one of the most common protocols for exposing service APIs: HTTP.

Introduction to RESTful API Design

More than twenty years after its "invention" by Roy Fielding, RESTful API design is more relevant than ever. No matter if it’s in the environment of microservices or opening up systems previously only used internally - REST is everywhere you look! But what exactly is REST? Just because a JSON or XML payload is sent to or received from a server via HTTP does not mean that it is a RESTful API. So what exactly is a REST interface? And at what point can we say that it is truly successful? This question is dividing opinions.

Web Components API: Don’t make it so hard on yourself!

The enterprise world is characterized by web-based form applications. If you then consider using the same UI components multiple times in different applications, the use of framework-agnostic Web Components as a technical foundation is obvious. Web Components enable easy reuse and integration, but there are also a few stumbling blocks that need to be avoided.

All News & Updates of API Conference:

Behind the Tracks

API Management

A detailed look at the development of APIs

API Development

Architecture of APIs and API systems

API Design

From policies and identities to monitoring

API Platforms & Business

Web APIs for a larger audience & API platforms related to SaaS